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There is no quick way to heal. There’s no magic pill, herbs or tea or adaptogen that will “fix” you. Healing comes from inside, kind and patient. Gentle, centering ourselves moment by moment, because truthfully it’s all we have. So, what does that even mean? I’ve always wondered what “centering” truly means. I have come to realize it comes down to the delicate balance of both our creative and rational sides, accepting the moment as it is. No objection or resistance to what is. The moment we let go of what we think we have control over, that we see the moment as it truly is, there’s a deep sense of safety and love. Even if the circumstances and events are difficult, we are spiritual beings having human experiences and not the opposite. We can have a deep sense of connection to everything around us, fostering an acceptance of what is, and therefore nurturing our healing. There’s no need to rush the process, there’s no point in doing that. It doesn’t work. I find comfort in knowing that in this moment, I am where I should be, in this moment in time. Slow down, breathe deep. You are safe.

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